So, let's see what has been going on lately:
- More about the Ariel drama. Because I'm a pessimist I wouldn't believe the end of this story if I hadn't seen it all for myself. Ariel was arrested and K.B. got back almost all of his stuff, including the jewelry. The police drove him to the pawn shops where he pawned the stuff and took him in in handcuffs and made the owners return the merchandise. K.B. got back his laptop, MP3 player, briefcase and other items. So hats off to the police on this one. Now, the lesson of this story is you have to be persistent and persevere. The embassy got involved, though a little reluctantly, I believe. But, K.B. called, cajoled, nagged and let them know that he was not going away and voila, a miracle. He is even in contact with the parent company of the hotel in the States, and it seems that will be resolved, too. Not because they WANT to do anything to help. Of course they told him there was NOTHING they could do for him, but thank God, he didn't take that bull. So, all-in-all, a happy ending. Now, Ariel is back on the street and I'm sure he is looking for more victims, so look out. Remember, if you see him, RUN!
- I'm planning a BIG party for Thanksgiving weekend (Friday, November 25, 2005) and I have been negotiating with ARENA. We'll see. But, if it doesn't happen there I will have it somewhere in the Colonial Zone, TRUST! The club scene has been very dead here, no strippers, tired drag queens, you know, the usual. Well, I'm tired of it. Something has to be done. I talked with Chachita Rubio, who is a drag star here (on TV!), as well as a star of Escuelita's in NYC. Will keep you posted.
- I don't know how many of you remember Alejandro. Well, he has been in jail for 3 years, for a crime he didn't commit. Now, this is information I got from other well-placed s
ources, not just him. It seems that someone in his neighborhood was murdered and they went out and rounded up all the "suspects." Unfortunately, his family couldn't come up with any "get out of jail money," so he sat in jail and waited, and waited ... and waited some more. He was released and came searching for me. He has lost a lot of weight and has no place to live, or no family to help him, but he has hope. My money was tight but I went in my bosom and gave him RD$500 pesos. He is a nice guy andI wish him the best.
- Then last Saturday I'm in ARENA holding court and signing autographs, and over co
mes Joel. Now, I have gotten emails and many questions about him. I had not seen him for several months. He comes around and then goes back to the campo (country) for a couple of months. He gave me a number where he can be reached.
- Got some great news about Dominican Island Heat. Orbitz has agreed to handle all the travel arrangements for the event. Get ready!!!
- Journalist Kai Wright is here staying with us. He is writing an article, which I promised not to reveal until after it is published. He is now traveling up in Cabarete exploring the country. Along with being a great conversationalist, he is also a very nice human being. I have made him an honorary Monaga member.
- Right now I'm working on another part of the website, Monaga V.I.P. If all goes according to plan it will be up and running in the next several weeks. We are in the process of setting up some web cams in the Colonial Zone and seeing how feasible it is. I would also like to have a web camera at my party, so those that can't make it can see it live, or at least videotape it and offer it on the site. I'm going to see if we can work with some of the other clubs/bars. It will be a small fee to access that part of the site, but you will get many amenities. More on this later, I'm very excited about it.
I love reading your blogs. I look forward to them. The beach Playa Monte Rio...where is it exactly? I will be down in the DR for Christmas/New Years and would like to take this drive.
I think last Saturday, October 1,
was Joel's 20th birthday.
I remember writing down the date
when he showed me his I.D. card.
When you see him again wish him a Happy Birthday.
Ok, Oct.6th finally here...and i'm off to the airport... SDQ here i come!
Being a catholic, I find at times the catholic church to be so hipocritical especially when the priesthood in the USA is so full of "pedophiles" and gay men. I make the distinction because there is a debate that one doesn't have to be a "gay man" to be a pedophile (when it comes to molesting boys)Oh yes, for sure, there are women who are also pedophiles. I remember a priest when I attended catholic grammar school who would hear confessions and ask the boys when they confessed they masturbated," did anything come out..." I guess he also sinned in that booth while masturbating! (just my thoughts on what he was doing while listening to young pre teens confessing).The priest met his match one day and touched one of the 8th grade boys and got punched in the face in front of the whole school.
While I still identify myself as a Roman Catholic, I don't always agree with their views especially on "homosexuality" and the practice of "safer" sex including birth control.
Keep up the good work, WE ARE ALL GOD'S CHILDREN!
Nena Nuyorican~
Ha HA see Anthony I just asked you about Joel when i was there last week and poof there he goes now lets find Hector....Raleigh
Keep up the good work Anthony, I think if more people would follow their dreams, they would be less conserned about what others aren't doing!
See you soon
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