Ramon had a party at his house for
Lawrence Goldsby, former owner of the Phoenix Bar. I thought I would stop by for a few minutes and pay my respects and then dash. But, I was pleasantly surprised by the nice time I had. I have never been to Ramon's house before and it was very nice to meet his family. His mother and other relatives barbecued and the food was delish. It was really nice to see how happy everyone was to see Lawrence. He is really beloved in the neighborhood and everyone wished he was still there. You know the old adage, you don't miss it until it's gone.
Welcome back, Lawrence! Boy, have we missed you.
Wow Laurence looks wonderful when i last saw him well my momma alway said if younothing nice to say dont say anything, so I guess the stress of the Phoenix Bar was a bit much for him I wish him well and that sexy Ramon one day its me and you
So nice to see Lawrence. I really did miss him my last visit to the Dominican Republic.
I always left all my English gay novels that I bring to the DR with Lawrence. He never had time to read them with the bar and all. I hope he had a chance to read some of them now that he has retired.
Looks like a nice time at Ramone's home and I am sure that Lawrence was touched by the gesture. I wish I had been there to see Lawrence.
Lawrence Paulo and Jimmy from Boston miss you dearly and wish you continued good health.
Looks like it was a reaal nice party. I didn't notice a picture of Ms. Leonna. Did any thing ever come of the party that was suppose to be heald at Bar Pheonix in Laurence's honor? How does Laurence feel about the new direction that the bar has taken?
lawrence PLEASE come back and open up a bar again. PLEASE!
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