Many readers of the blog know how supportive Mario Sessions has been to me. This past weekend Mario and some friends came down to celebrate his 41st birthday.
There was one unfortunate incident during this time. There is a certain person from Washington, D.C., who came down and decided to give a competing party at Pario's, with free food and drinks. He knew that Mario was having his friends go to Jay-Dee's to celebrate his birthday. Unfortunately, this person is ALWAYS trying to keep shit started. What does it say that even with free food and drinks, Jay-Dee's was still packed. I spoke with all the buggarones and told them to go over and eat up the food and drink as much as they can. We got drinks for all the taxi drivers. Evil, just evil!
Anyway, Mario and friends had a great time and now they should be on their way to the airport now to make there way back home. Thanks for coming and hope to see you again soon.
Now dat's F*&k'd up!
Who would go to such lengths and for what purpose?
On the other hand, is it at all possible that this other person just so happened to be down there at the same time?
I guess it is possible that the other person, "just happened to be down here." But seeing as he is someone who knew all about Mario's party and is friendly with many of the participants, I doubt it.
yall need to stop.
queens will be queens, shade seems to be part of the gay lifestyle and mario knows about shade.
Yep, shade is part of the gay life... in some circles. But can someone explain why?
Why would a grown man carry on such nonsense in another country? Was anything gained by this?
Putting aside the childishness of such behavior, really, what was the point? Anybody?
Clearly Mario has some issues, his posts on this blog speak for themselves (no stab at ya Mario), but why carry this out of the district into a foreign country, when all the man was trying to do was celebrate his birthday?
Thanks Mario for the wonderful time you are truly a good person and thanks for the pointers for the boys and for getting me a cab back to the hotel. (who was that driver?) All I can remember that he was bald and phine!! I'm back at home now... cant wait to see the pictures.
PS. That food, that food, that food! I can still taste it for 650.00 SD dollars it was a steal.
I can't belive what im reading! you mean to tell me that Mike from the Mill in DC pulled some Sh*t like that.
I can't stand him, im sorry Mario.. if I was there I would have knocked him silly! im so glad that you had a good time.
If you want to find him outside of the Mill go the Follies every other night he's su*king Di*k in that place.
AJ in DC
Happy Birthday Mario I can see you had a wonderful time im Santo Domingo. And dont worry about the sissy mess that went on you are bigger than that
I think the whole thing is a sad commentary on brothers calling themselves FRIENDS, it was a nice idea but the candles were rapidly blown out starting with the triple price$$$ Jose charged people EACH for car fare, the beach party and that wack tour, ALL group events that should have been charged as a group rate, since we all rode in the same van at the same time. The web site said the events were FREE!The birthday party that was held in a piece of carry on luggage for an aditional fee of course. Sunday the "buffet dinner" that was more like passing through the lunch cafeteria line was the main event and free, so we thought. We found out after we had started eating and drinking that "due to a mix up" we each had to chip in to pay for the food, place and staff. The real scoop on Mike's party is that his date and Mario's date were switched so many times because of DIH. Friendship was at an all time shadiness when one of the guests found himself with trade in the barrio and robbed. The host responsed "too bad" and left him at the hotel, opps but that was better than saying he had scabbies and crabs so the kids wouldn't have your piece. Yes the party was a nice idea but if you have many more like this one there will not be many friends left to CHARGE- (opp's) invite- it too!
Slow down, slow down... there's so much to decipher from the above post. who left who at the hotel? Who got scabies and crabs and whatnot? Was this planned party at the same time just a horrible misunderstanding?
What about DIH2? Are there any readers who went? How was that?
I am a relative new traveler to the Dominican Republic; one bit of advice that my friend who is a seasoned traveler there, gave me was "STAY AWAY FROM THOSE QUEENS." I now see what he was talking about. I'd almost forgotten how vicious some people can be, until I read some of these entries.
Read! Read! Read! Mario you are right or maybe they got the event mixed up
I'm sure that fun was had by many, except for me, DAMN IT!
I'm hoping not to miss the Brazil event as I'm putting in for my vacation for the summer this MONTH.
I read the Blog today and was like....come on! It was a bday event, a party in the caribbean in temptation island....sometimes the sound of 500 pesos sounds expensive but when you do the's NOT!
Hope to be at DIH3 and the Bday Parties including mines Next February (a mile stone one)LOL
congrats to alllllllllll!(I'm feeling like my "newest" of friends have forgotten me already???
Yo! all this queen this, birthday that, mario this, darrell that, DIH, and so forth is bullshit! Mario had been having his party in the Dominican Republic for what seems forever. Everytime you turn around he is down here. Shit I think he lives here! As for as the dude from WDC who gave a party. Shit maybe he was innocent in the making of his event but I am sure that he learned quickly that Mario was doing his party and since he live in WDC and he knows Mario he should have man'd up and stepped to Mario and maybe together they would of had a great time. As for the little bitch boy who didn't know how to keep track of his money. If you weren't invited by Mario personally then the party was not free to you. Although you ere welcome. What did you think he was hosting a party for every fool out of the US? Gurl, wake the fuck up! As for DIH. Who cares. As usual that crew tried to rip off the kids and present it as something else. The reason you don't have anyone commenting on that event is because there was not one there. I am here on the beach still trying to figure out what went wrong. Y'all need to stop all this infighting about nothing! Black gay people ain't got shit but the clothes on their backs and those white queens will take that if they feel like it so until you own a club, bar, resturant,store, business or whatever shit the fuck down! Mario did his party. It was successful. Darrel or Darren did his party it was a bust. If you came to the island looking for a freebee then you are an ass.
This reminds me again of why I don't like to travel with large groups of ignorant people who have never been anywhere. I will be attending Marios 3rd Bday bash, and a friend of mine said he had a good time but some guys just don't get it when they travel overseas. He mentioned how some criticing most of the culture and boys. After 20 years in the military and traveling-living in Europe/Asia/South America/Caribbean (including the DR), I've learned not to go to a foreign country and think I'm still in the States.
Advice: When you vacation, expect to spend money! Period. You cannot travel within the US and expect everything free, so why would you go to a foreign country and believe you are going to get handouts? When you attend Prides, do you come out of pocket? Also can the attitude. Mario and his friends went the extra length again for AA's to enjoy the island and no one else Stateside has bothered (other than DIH2-go Kenny).
As for being robbed: In the States do you not take all precautions when kicking it with a stranger? Why get dumb when overseas? I don't know how many past stories of military recruits got rolled over their 1st time overseas due to naivete or just being dumb.
Anthony and Mario do yo thang.
hello family. you know i don't usually comment on blogs or postings, but i must do so for a first time. when someone is upset about a part of an event they should immediately contact the organizers and let them know because you never know, it may be a situation that can be resolved then and there. but, if you never contact them, you will never know.
a promoter/organizers job is not an easy one. you have to anticipate situations, such as the ones alledged in this message board. a promoter/organizer puts events together for the entertainment of the lgbt community and unfortunately in the black lgbt community they are faced with issues as these here. when this occurs then we "black" folks are left without events wondering why? the answer usually is... lack of support and just tired of being in a "no win situation". so, i just ask that you all please consider the hard job a promoter/organizer does to bring you an event, and in most cases of black promoters/organizers - out of the pocket. why? because they want to provide you with something new and entertaining.
as for the dr, we must commend and support those promoters/organizers for the time they take out to keep us in a safe environment (theft at your own risk) and educating us on the visits. so, if it has not been said, i think we should thanks or dr brothers like anthony, david lee, ms. vicki, jd, mario, laurence, kenny, and their staffs. as for thier guest, i would like to say i'm sure they appreciate your support and keeping the spirit alive.
if we can't get along, let's at least respect! great birthday, mario. and, to all the brotha, it is always a pleasure to fellowship with you. stay strong!
Dajuan, a perfect post. It's amazing how we always complain about things not being perfect when another brother tries to do something good. Many of us will spend bookoo money at white events, but let a brother do it and it is the "crab in the barrel" syndrome all over again. As soon as a black club or event shuts down, we are back to complaining about how there is never anything just for "us". I bet if a white gay had organized the event with the same results there would hardly have been any complaints because we don't complain about the white events here that much. Now if DIH and Marios parties were to vamoose, then we would hear the same crap again. Why don't we have any good overseas parties? Why doesn't any of ours plan such events? Why is it whites always have such things and we don't? etc..etc..etc...
Gurl....get off that beach because what hear they aint have'n DIH 3,4 maybe 5. Gurl go home because their is no beach party tonight they got me too.
wooo ya gurlz is tripin takin dat blacksisssy shyt down to dominican dont ya gurlz think dey got enuf ta deal wit already fo sho????????
Four best bets for having a ball in DR (Or anywhere else in the world for that matter)
1. Stay away from the queens.
2. Stay away from events/venues/party's where the promoters' material looks like crap.
3. Stay away from the queens.
4. Don't even think of international travel with queens.
I Love the DR. I always have a good time. Life.. enjoy it. And if you can't enjoy it.. stay the F*&ck home.
If the event sucked then the event sucked. It ain't always about black n white. If your party ain't together, don't dare play the race card. Learn from mistakes, take ownership, move on. Stop whining.
Look at the DIH website. 2 or 3 lousy pix, a humble event mention and then the hopes that somebody who had a camera will send in their photos. This is the event main website for information.
Get it together and stop worrying about what "they're" doing.
I can't wait to see the other pics!
call ya this weekend anthony, answer the phone boo. :-)
I asked Laurence to send me info on the Brazil venture!
I've read a lot about DIH2, Mario's birthday party and the other child I suppose his name is Mike. I've read anything about a the trip to CUBA that another unmentioned club was hosting. Are they back, how did it go and are any pictures? I've always wanted to go to CUBA so depending on what I here maybe I'll try to go next Time.Brizil is still a little to far for me now.
right. did anyone go on the trip to cuba? forgot about that.
Mario, im back! whats going on with this i'm reading, is it true about another party? if so I did not hear of it. Whats up with all the hate on you? Mario, I think you are one of the greatest persons I ever met, you did not know me, but yet you gave me heads up on that trade at the poolhall. Mario, thanks for a great weekend I really enjoyed myself. Keep your head up dont let these sissies F**K with you. Let me know about your other trips. That was an vacation i will not forget!
Ron, NY
Mario- This is Frank. My traveling companion and I attended your event at the pool hall (Where I won 3 out of 4 and had a blast. I'm moving my DR Conquistador back to the States and will let you know when he is situated in my Villa. (just but we were together my enitre stay in Santo Domingo. My friend and I have travelled to the DR many times and decided to help you celebrate your Birthday on this trip. Thanks for entertaing us on our walk back to the hotels from your luncheon as we cackled and had a wonderful time. We did eat at the place that you recommended near our hotel and the food was great. I have sizzling stories for you from our 3 night stay in Boca Chica at El Candil. Sorry to hear about the Drama that went on during the events but I'm not surprised and basically thats why I prefer to hang with the locals and not the tired Queens (without a country)from the States. If I don't hang around them in DC, I surely wasn't keeping their company in DR. Keep doing your thing man and I'll try to make this an annual event for me too. Keep in touch !
Question. On the Sports Bar website, in the first 2 pix, Is the guy in the first photo the same one cutting the cake in the second photo?
I have to say it is amazing to me how much hate still exists out there. In reading all of these posts the ones that stand out are full of negative comments about events the writer knows nothing about. International Male writes "As for DIH. Who cares. As usual that crew tried to rip off the kids and present it as something else. The reason you don't have anyone commenting on that event is because there was not one there." The real question is where was he? I was there and saw more Dominican's and Americans then ever before. It was covered on television, radio and in the papers as one of the biggest events for gay people in the country. From what I understand the event brought over $500,000 to the local economy in that week. Hopefully one day, blogs like this can give constructive criticism that can help organizers make the next event better. So many people were involved in making that event happen you will never know and probably don't care. I am sure both DIH2 and Mario are glad you didn't attend. Try doing something like this yourself and then write about what you know. I sent your entry to the organizers of DIH2 and they had only one thing to say..."No comment."
Its the same person I was looking at that myself It has to be the camera because on this blog the pics are clear. Im so sorry I missed both events looks like that had a good time.
This is also about promotion, marketing, and event planning. I don't so much see hate, as disappointed attendees, or those who just want to know how it went.
So far I have yet to see any detailed mention on this site, the DIH site or anywhere else on how well the event (s) went. It comes across as "yeh, well... it was what it was" and "oh, ya'll just hatin".
I have seen several comments from disappointed attendees. If the response of "no comment" serves them well; so be it. I personally would find it highly improbable that a trip to brazil, a very, very, long way from home, in a very different language, would fair any better.
There seems to be very little to suggest that either of these events, both heavily advertised and marketed, were worth it to the attendees.
It is one thing to be disappointed in say ATL/DC/NYC at some planned event; Quite another when in a foreign country... with someone leaving a guest stranded at a hotel after being robbed.... hmmmm.
Hey Mario I just got a msg. saying to check out this blog, all i can say is The Sissies will f**k a wet dream up. Anyway I did not travel to your event cause i was already down there on vacation but i attended the Birthday Event at the poolhall "Great Event" I still want that bullet proof vest LOL looking like a Domincan police. kinda cute too. let me know where and when the next Event and im there. last comment you have some Phine friends a few out did the local boys.
Although we didn't make it to all of the Birthday events, My Buddy and I had a fabulous time!
I met a guy, really great looking had a wonderful time talking with him He was from the US and really good looking. Spoke really well. But I can't for the life of me remember his name. All I know is that each time I saw him he had on a hat with PORTSMOUTH on it, if any of you know him please post his name and a way to get intouch with him
The guy with the PORTSMOUTH hat was my travelling partner and I'm sure he would love to hear from you. SMIRUE@AOL.COM is his Email Addy.
I guess I may as well add my four cents into the mix. I had the pleasure of being at both events. Not by choice but by default and if I must say I have to agree with the International Male on some accounts and with Mario on other accounts. Me and My friends were in DR on vacation when DIH came to town. We new about the event before coming to DR and knew then that we wouldn't dare participate. There is no way in a million years would I spend 150.00 for a "VIP" pass when the club admission alone was $1.50. I mean lets get real. And in typical BS fashion there was a donation made to this underpriviledge home. Exactly how much was this donation and would my purchase of the $150.00 VIP pass be eligable for a tax deducation. Yeah right! Now as far as these events dropping $500k on the island- do you know how stupid you sound saying that. firstly there wasn't that amount of people who would drive up that number and secondly, the exchange rate alone have changed with that kind of money being traded in a 10 day period. I applaud these group trips its about time that the brothers go out and do something other than DC, Atlanta, LA, etc. but don't drag all of this personal childishness into the mix. Mario's event was for Mario. He had a bar party, a pool party, a trip to the beach and a dinner party. He laid out the cost for these events. What Mario did was nothing different then from what Str8 men and women do in the States when they have a birthday bash at a club and folks attend not knowing whose birthday party it is. The fact that he has developed a following is on him. He is a popular kat not only in America but in the Dominican Republic. Let's really be honest about this. The reason most people are coming this is piece of paradise is to fullfil some Latin fantasy they seen in an Enrique Cruz film. And with the rumors of being able to hook up with men for a nominal fee makes is all the more exciting. So lets call a spade a spade. It is a hard job for any promoter or organizer to pull these events off but when you do it make sure that you do it right and be honest with what you are bringing to the table and people who are attending they need to do their own research on the destination and accomodations and events and this way they wont be disappointed. The world is a big place with amazing things to see and if group travel is a cheaper way to see the world then lets so it. For those who are too cheap or expext the world on a string then you need to stay home.
These posting are getting good. Children are a mess but I love the comments. The Days of our Lives
Here is the problems for DIH2 and where it went wrong.
They spent all this money for promotional products, Key chains, Tee sharts, hats, banners, sweat suits, posters, cards, playing cards, pens, cups, and back packs. They strong arm many online business to promote for them. They change there website 5 times. They charge too much for a VIP party pass 150.00 when to most you will pay for a club is $4.00 Too many fab events ie: RED ball, WHITE, ball, BLACK ball. (in a third world country) They got some shady unknown company out of Atlanta to do there travel with prices $1600.00 for a 5day weekend at hotels where you cant have local guest. The beach party, im like that guy im still looking for it. The promoters are nasty, and very shady. They lied to the people that promoted them for free about this big event with 1500 Americans will come too. Post pictures of mostly Drag Queens, Domincan strippers. I saw one or two Americans, if you count the promotes it was 4. What happend to the money? no presentation or big check givin? if so where are the photos?
I agree with above poster about the promoters being nasty and shady. That's one of reasons I didn't attend
I attended DIH2 this year and, the first one as well and, I must say this years was definitely more together and organized. When I arrived at the visitors centers which was a pool hall and, I thought a great ideal because you could get a drink meet some people and even play some pool if you wanted. I got a gift bag with a special DIH2 CD by DJ Calvin Smith which I am still jamming to, an HBO pen light, a DIH Red angle brochure (and yes his fine ass was there as well and, it told you about all the events ) a T-shirt and, an HBO Bag. Now, tell me when have you gone to a circuit party and only paid $ 135.00 if you bought the pass when they first offered it (which I did because I thought it must be a mistake so let me buy 4 for me and, all my friends now) but, it wasn’t. Where could you have gotten all that and the party’s as well for that price? And, yes the prices went up as you got closer to the event which is understandable.NOw those of you who thought you could come to and event and get the same prices that is normally payed when you are there on vacation is stupid.These people had to rent these places they were not free, they had to pay people to work which was not for free and, if you was to cheap to buy a Pass they should have charged you a $100 at the door like most of the other Circuit parties.
Now, I don’t know what event most of you were at but, it could not have been the same one that I and, my friends were at. We had a fabulous time partying with each other the Dominicans and, the Americans which was there. We even purchased a “special Dominican VIP pass “at a fraction of the cost for our Dominican “escorts”. Which I thought was a great move on the part of the promoters. More promoters should think of giving back when they travel and use another city’s resources or country’s in your case because that shows them that you appreciate them.
Now, I am one these well traveled Parties –circuit boys from way back and, this was first class for some brothers who didn’t have a lot Major sponsors other than HBO which in itself was a great one. You get kudos! If anyone had bothered to read their web-site more than once (and not just look at the pictures) you would have found all the information that you needed and, yes I Loved the fact that it kept changing it got better and better each time now how many other event planners or promoters can you say that about? Not many I’m sure.
As I recall they only suggested hotels that you could book on your “own” or use Nubian Knights or Orbits but, said that they had nothing to do with it so why blame them if you didn’t check out you hotels guest policy? Haven’t travels abroad much had you (Brazil, Cuba).
Now, my hotel which I got as a recommendation off of their web-site (La Hiencienda) was Fabulous! It was next door to the Sauna –Spa connected to the Arena Club where the Black & White Party was held and, Punto where the opening reception was. Now , if I was them and, I knew all these people were coming. I would have made a deal with these hotels to get a piece” Like most promoters” do when they give an event of this nature but, from what I know from my hotel they didn’t ask for a dime only that their DIH2 people get a discount.
It’s also funny that someone wrote where were the entire American’s? Well it was called “Dominican Island Heat 2” Humm. If they had shown nothing but, Americans I’m sure you would have written were are all the Dominicans! But, if you were looking for the Americans you could have gone to opening reception, mostly VIP and pass holders, the Black & White Party @ Arena , Wet & Wild in the Campo ( FAB-OLOUS ESTATE) or the Red Ball at the Mansion you would have seen not only Americans but, a shit load of Dominicans so the question is where were you? Oh and, let’s not forget they had CLUB –Night where you could go to all the bars and clubs in the Area for about 4 hours get in Free if you had a VIP pass or Party pass. Like I said where were you?
Now, let’s talk about cost. Come on if you came all the way to the Dominican Republic with not enough money don’t blame them. Yes it cost you $25.00 to go to their parties if you didn’t buy a pass but, who’s fault is that not theirs. The Bus ride to the Wet and Wild alone would have cost $90.00 because we wanted to go to Boca –Chica where the beach is and it was $45.00 both ways. And this place was further than Boca –Chica.
All, I want to say to you brothers is Keep giving those of us would like something different and, not just in the US of A some quality events like DIH2. Bahian Heat I can’t wait I’m on the mailing list already. Congrats my brothers on a Job well done and, I look forward to attending many more of your events in the future.
These brothers were not only accommodating but, were a pleasure to deal with.
Nice try I was too at the DIH2 and im still trying to find out what i spent all that money on I admit the events was nice but filled with Dominicans where was the Americans It was more Americans at Mario's Private Birthday Party and all of them was not stuck up like at DIH2 I guess you can say a lot of people came to the Island but did not buy the HIGH price party event passess like me a few of my friends did let me give you a real count of the people who attended the DIH2 event from what i can see 40 at the most that include the promoters and club owners. Then I heard about Mario's Birthday Day party so a few of my friends stayed because we was hungry for some real fun, younger phine men (not the old queens at the DIH2 event) and English speaking brothas. and guess what it happend and the host hotel was sold out his event the whole hotel was filled with phine men from America! you didnt have to guess where they came from you knew. at all Mario's event the local trade and the American trade had filled the building even when that other person that had a party on the same night with the free food and drinks. this is what im saying do not over promote you party! under promote it and and if you are fab you will see the numbers grow!
Not meaning to be rude, but that last comment is the most ignorant account on everything period. It's ok, it is you and people who think like you who are exploited and laughed at by the Dominicans. With such limited exposure, like minds would be exploited any, and everywhere not just in the DR. Whithout saying the names of select number of people who regualary travel to SD for the single purpose of getting laid, would be surprised how much you have became "jokes" and easy targets. Stay ingnorant and keep wearing the big red dots on your back.
this is really comical. truth is everyone, meaning guest, was under the impression that they would arrive into DR and it would be like DC, Atlanta, LA, Miami whatever. They thought that all the brothers from the States would jump on a 747 and come down to the Caribbean during one of the most expensive times of the year. Were the promoters shady at DIH2? most likely. Was it too costly? I am sure. But this is what happens when you go to one of these events. It is all about marketability. I was there- and yes there was merchandise - was if for sale? maybe - there is a photo of the display in this very blog. For the person who wondered about the site changing. Well that is double edged sword. On one end you want to update the site when new information comes about and you need to signify this information but soing a slight change to get a persons attention however you dont want to continously change the site becuase it confuses John Q. Public. As far as charity - It is always questionable. If you your group is making a donation on the groups behalf you need to provide a tax id for those people who can benefit from the donation. This will put people at ease and they won't feel as if they are apart of Mother Hale 2006. I will say that DIH2 was all over the place there partnerships are incredible but truly ineffective mostly becuase they did bully other promoters. Not in a school yard kind of way more of an old skool style mafia manner (Yes, I saw the memorandum you sent to promoters outlining their participation) you have to get people to want to be a apart of your event not sign or be what? excommunicated? Not sweet at all. This is a dog eat dog business. If I was Sizzle why would I really market your party knowing that I have two up coming events - and becuase sissies have no fear of the legal system the end result was well. a limited amount of folks. Did DIH2 say there was gonna be hundreds, yes. I mean there was the blog and the email blast and the "almost sold out" emails. The makes a brother like me assume that the boys are up in arms about this event and if I dont hurray I will be assed out. Yes, I know this is a part of marketing an event just like selling tickets to a show but what did you guys expect a madd cow rush at the 11th hours? You do know that we are at war and that fuel is crazy which drives up airline prices. Yes, there is a list of resons why people didn't attend because of members of Urbane but one of the biggest reasons why attendance was low was becuase of timing. The kids are getting their funds right after xmas and you know they had to buy little Rufus that G.I. Joe with the Kung Fu Grip and a pair of Prada's for themselves so they couldn't balance the two. The deal is that DIH2 you just brush this one off your shoulder as a loss and work on that Brazil trip. This bad press isn't helping your event.Just sweep it under the rug like Sizzle did with that bust of a Ski Trip in Dever. Next you'll know. Oh, yes and when you are making a donation and you sell that as part of your promotion materials you need to do a check presention with photographs. I am sure that the HBO people would like to see the magic rather than you report it back to them. That like saying I gave at the office. But the other issue at hand is that this blog is not about DIH2 and if you have beef with the guys you should take this conversation to the DIH2 Blog site and air it out there. This blog is about the folks who went to the birthday party who weren't invited. Better luck next time Laurence & Kenny, you put your best foot forward but that damn baggage held you back.
red and yellow brother PUT it in persecptive! end of story, now let's get to the stuff happening in the DR,we want to hear.
The DIH2 promoters should also look back at suggestions regarding their marketing materials, that would have made them at least good materials. I've seen shady thrown around about some of the promoters/producers. Shadiness implies double dealin and stuff like that. I don't at all think that was going on. Be careful callng someone shady cuz it's a very loaded word. "Frosty" or "Grand" perhaps. That can turn people off.
This maybe a dumb question... but who is this Mario Sessions? It seems like he is well liked and well known in Santo Domingo is he Dominican? All is this for a small birthday party. What does he do? Please help
Good question. I have heard mixed comments regarding Mr. Sessions, both from Dominicans and Americans alike. In addition to the above question, I would be curious to know why he, just as the guy Mike from DC decided (for the second year) to all but compeat with the DIH events? If he is the friend and supporter that has been suggested, why did he not work along with the promoters to jointly make an "event"?
I attend Mario's birthday party and my question was almost like the one someone asked. Mario told me that " My Birthday is a private party thats been going on for about 5 years now, My event is for me and my close friends and thier friends, and not to the whole world anyone can come and enjoy my birthday with me at no charge."~~ It went something like that. I truly respect him for being so open in that comment. That was my second party of many to come I hope, keep up the good work Mario
How can your compair the two:
DIH2 is a BIG event thats promoted by alot of people with sponsors like HBO and others, not to metion the Magazine Ad's, TV, and Radio.
Mario's BIRTHDAY party seem like it was a small event that he have every year with not sponsors, TV, AD's or Radio.
Whould you have your birthday party with a big event and get lost in the crowd? Mario wanted it to be all about him and it was. Word of mouth and the web is a very powerful thing not to metion the love.
I got your back Mario keep doing what you doing
Thanks Mario for you comments...
Some friends and I were there at the same time that DHI2 and the Sessions 41, 42, 43rd B'day event went down. There was big confussion, people were told that were coming to the B'day that the Dinner at the resturant that is also owned by the owner of JD's would be free. This has become a personality contest. There are enough negative and positive comments to go around regarding everybody mentioned. Let's, and that means myself too, elevate ourselfs from this distructive behaviour and be a little more supportive. Let's see what happens. God bless us all......
lol@ Mario Annonymous
LOL. Yep. 2 much. Always, 2 much. And soooo obvious.
yall need to stop its getting dumb now
I've deleted the comment about hating Mario. If you have a problem with Mario, take it to him personally.
There were some great comments and responses about DIH2 and Mario's party, let's keep it on subject.
Anthony, I went to both event DIH2 and Mario's Birthday party But I have to say this Mario brought the boys full force and they was out Friday nigth at the poolhall and DIH2 gave me a few show's I liked. but this is what I did not like the Shady stuck up qeens. How can you come to a third world country and give shade, what did you expect DC, ATL, NY I hope not. Here are a few pointers when you are in another country please don't throw shade and dont throw it at the American club owners like at the poolhall, a lot of you came and saw but did not come back to at lease spend a few coins, David deserves more than just a shady hi. To me thats why DIH2 did poorly.
Okay, I think it is time to close the comments.
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