Monday, April 14, 2008

La Koki's Birthday Party

La Koki is having her annual birthday bash at Jay-Dee's on Saturday, May 3, 2008.


Anonymous said...

Just to get the flame started: La Koki should forget about celebrating any more birthdays in public. God knows that s/he is just a few years away from 50. Enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

You mean the flames that starts the fire from the candles on the cake? La Koki should celebrate his birthdays as long as he has air in his lungs to blow....the candles out...

Anonymous said...

What!....You don't like parties? Then stay home and grow old!

Anonymous said...

OK, so La Koki is getting along in years. Good for her! I will be hitting 60 in a few months and it will be a blast. After all, not many of my friends who started out in the mid-60s, 70s are still around to tell the story. AIDS got most of them as well as other assorted maladies. Enjoy it while you can!
From Puerto Rico,

Anonymous said...

La Koki
We met years ago! Let her celebrate her life. Happy Birthday! We all enjoy our birthday when it comes around no matter if were 6,16,or 60 it is her time don’t take that away from her.

Anonymous said...

Thats great, La Koki is about to celebrate her special day, wish I could be there to help celebrate with her. Bless her heart.Who doesn't like to celebrate Bithdays,It's always great to have another one to enjoy...Do not know who the first commet is from but he should have kepted it to himself, some people have no class when they open there mouths or in this case when they type...sour grapes gets u no where in life my good man.JIM From Houston