I only saw it covered in two newspapers. You can read it online (translate it from Spanish) by clicking here and here. The only thing that worries me is that there was criticism of the Catholic Church to respect the rights of homosexuals. I agree that the church is can be an impediment to true freedom. But as you can see from some of the comments to the articles, it is a very contentious issue. The Colonial Zone is also where the Cardinal lives, and he still carries enormous power.
I think the people who marched have to be commended. Like the start of all Gay Pride movements, it is the Transsexuals, Drag Queens, and other people who are out in their lives who go in and pave the way so others can have it a little easier.
How is your pride?

Thanks for covering SD Pride!
Sending you love from NYC.
Anthony, thanks for posting this and for the links to the two articles. I'd wondered who'd sponsored it, and the articles say it was Revasa. BTW, was there any PR before that it was going to occur, or did they keep it undercover so that the church and authorities wouldn't find a way to stop it?
This was put together by Amigos Siempre Amigos, and others. Unfortunately, I heard nothing until someone told me after the fact.
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