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Killer Found?
According to this morning's newspaper, Francisco Martinez, has been picked up. He has admitted to the police that he killed Jack Phillips. I had heard yesterday that someone was picked up, but I was told it was the guy who lived in the house. I am trying to get more information. It will come out in the wash and as soon as it does I will post it here.
The newspaper article only says that Martinez admitted digging the hole and burying Jack. It also states that there are two policemen detained. Now, why are policemen detained? I am sure we all can guess.
Well, if the bugarrones don't getcha, the police will. It seems that two are involved in this murder according to the news.
I posted under one of the other comment sections regarding this case and the police apparent involvement in it.
I hope it's not true. If it is true, this puts the Dominican police on the same level as many of their Mexican compatriots.
Be careful guys.
I am so happy that the polica are moving forward with someone's arrest, thats a positive sign.Maybe they will solve Jack's murder after all.I am not shocked nor surprised that they are holding two policemen who also may be envolved in his murder.That news should shock no one, since many policemen are corrupted to begin with.Here Just outside of Houston in a rather small community(this week) they arrested a policemen for robery of a Bank, not once, but a few times so the paper stated, and guess what???? He also was the security guard at that same bank when not working at the Police Dept.So it's not just in Santo Domingo it happens like this it happens all over.I sure Jack's family is over-joyed with this great news, now it looks like they (Polica in SDQ )will resolve who did murder Jack and maybe even why. Thats a good thing, so Martha would say.Blessed be the policia who are working so hard to get those responsible behind bars along with due process,something that Jack was not given, Bless his heart.JIM From Houston,Tx.
Google translation of Listin Diario article from today.
Santo Domingo.- Francisco Alberto Martínez fue entregado ayer tarde a la Fiscalía del Distrito Nacional por el fiscal de Constanza Fernando Quezada, quien informó que este decidió entregarse debido a que temía por su vida luego que fuera acusado de la muerte del norteamericano Jack Pompeani Filhips, en el sector de Gazcue. Santo Domingo .-
Francisco Alberto Martinez was delivered yesterday afternoon at the National District Attorney's Office for the fiscal Constance Fernando Quezada, who reported that decided to surrender because he feared for his life after it was accused of the killing of American Jack Pompeani Filhips segment in Gazcue.
De inmediato el Departamento de Crímenes y Delitos Contra la Persona (Homicidio) ejecutó la orden judicial en su contra. Immediately, the Department of Crimes and Crimes Against Persons (Homicide) executed the warrant against him. De acuerdo a las investigaciones realizadas por la Fiscalía, Martínez era el empleado de confianza del norteamericano.
According to research conducted by the Prosecutor's Office, Martinez was an employee of American confidence.
Martínez había sido declarado prófugo por lo que era buscado arduamente por la Policía Nacional, acusado de ser el autor principal de la muerte del extranjero de 60 años de edad, quien fue encontrado enterrado en una de las habitaciones de su residencia ubicada en el sector de Gazcue.
Martinez had been declared a fugitive who was wanted for hard by the police, accused of being the principal author of the death of the alien 60 years of age, who was found buried in one of the rooms of his residence located in the sector Gazcue.
De acuerdo al Fiscal de Constanza, Martínez se entregó por intermedio de unos parientes, en el poblado Los Peinado.
According to the Attorney Constance, Martinez surrendered by way of relatives in the village hairdressing.
Por este caso también se encuentra en prisión preventiva como medida de coerción el nombrado José Bolívar Díaz Alcántara.
This case is also in custody as a measure of the coercion appointed José Bolívar Díaz Alcántara.
He looks like "knock a knock" trade!
(that's old school for a guy who fools around but when the time is right he will f*** you then knock you--sometimes it's while he's f^^^ing you the knocks come)!!!!!
craig, if you are going to participate in this forum, at least learn a little spanish....yikes! anyway, this thing you did with copying and pasting is such a waste of time and energy....! no big deal, but talk about wasting time! yikes...anyway, that part about the town of "hairdressing" is so funny. Learn some spanish if you are going to be involved in this community! Mua!!!
I am sorry for the family for losing such a good member of the family and a nice I guy. Jack was a good guy who spent a lot of time in Santo Domingo. Anthony has said several times he didn't know him well. That's cause he wasn't part of Anthony's scene....but anyway, I think it's admirable that Anthony has dedicated so much air time to someone not of his's a first. Anyway, while I think that's a good thing, I am disturbed that his family--who didn't take the time to come down here to try to find Jack--hasn't even said "thanks" or anything for all the interest and folks who tried hard to keep the publicity going about this case. The least those people could do would be to say thanks to Jack's friends, the gay community, etc. Not one fucking word? It is so typical of these asses that didn't care enough to even fly down and help out or even to go into Jack's house and look around. They would have found him 6 weeks earlier if they had done that. I am sure now that he is gone, they will be coming down and hiring lawyers trying to get his property sold to get money out of the deal. Asses. Not even a fucking thank you to all his friends. And I, unlike Anthony and most others here, actually knew Jack and spent a lot of time with him, over many lunches, breakfasts, etc....he was a good person and fun and nice.
if two police were involved ... no wonder it took so long to solve this
Thu Mar 26, 11:52:00 PM, Anonymous said: I think it's admirable that Anthony has dedicated so much air time to someone not of his's a first.
Was that meant as a compliment?
It reads like a compliment thru clenched teeth. I think they have a pill for that.
I think that what has happened is a sad commentary on the lives of gay men as we grow older. Few of us (for a whole bunch of reasons) rarely have a long-time partner in our "golden" years. If lucky, we may have some family and a few good friends still around. We will also make excellent targets for all types of predators who will come snooping around to see what they can get from us. Sadly, some of us may be taken for everything we have, even our lives. And when
everything is said and done this case, and Mr. Phillips, will be just a memory which not many, if anyone, will remember. May he rest in peace.
From Puerto Rico,
Listin Diario says that this Francsco Martinez turned himself over to the police in the town of Constanza for fear of being killed himself. There is also another person is jail apparently believed to be an accomplice. How many more participated in this killing is
anyone's guess!
Thanks Craig P. for your translation, I am most greatful since, I do not speak nor read any spanish, so keep doing like you are. Many for us appreciate what you did. Now to the Blogger of March 26@ 11:44 P.M. your one Smart Ass with nasty negative ways and commets, if it bothers you so dam much ,why the hell are you reading this, get a life, move on and Leave the good quality people alone who try and help others to fully understand the sequence of events has it was written in Spanish.He must be the same dam English Major who made negative commets about what I wrote a couple weeks ago, yet he fails to sign what he writes on this blog.No matter how you are,God still loves you because he put u here on earth, for some dam reason.It's people like you whom are so easy to dislike for so many reason but your forgiven for your negative nasty ways.In do time you shall get yours.. smile.. Wish I were there to see it.Bless you just the same. Later.. JIM from Houston, Tx.
1. The beginning of the translation plainly states it was a Google translation.
2. If you're getting old and worrying about your personal safety, take a self defense class. It'll keep you in shape, alert and, better prepared to protect yourself. No sense sitting around all woe-is-me-face waiting to get your head smashed in. Remember- Bash Back!!
3. Jim, shut up already. You sound like an illiterate hillbilly.
I just love this blog...Who need's to watch comedy central when I can sit here reading these posts...Poster:7:37 had me rolling on the floor with your last sentence...but get offa poor Jim's back.LOL
lol @ hillbilly.
I wear that "Hillbilly" like a badge of Honor, if he was only so lucky.. hee hee hee.... JIM
Hillbillies Unite!! We've got nothing to lose except those over-educated, under-wise Big City Sissy Queens who demonstrate their lack of self-respect by disrespecting others.
Jim, don't you even THINK about stifling your comments.
To Anonymous who wants me to learn spanish: Well I do read and speak spanish, thank you very much. I'm a least conversational level and reading comprehension level which is not what a lot of people who use this blog can do.
Just trying to be helpful. You might want to do the same sometime.
Craig P. in SDQ
I was going to go to the movies today to see the Tyler Perry movie.I think that I will wait until it comes to Blockbuster's so that I can watch it at home over and over again.In the mean time I will continue to entertaine myself by reading this blog.It's not been this entertaining since Dr. Leon.Keep up the good work girls.I love it.
Jim in SDQ.....please lay of the capitol letters..........we are not deaf and we do not need the shouting......
OMG! Not Dr. Leon Girl!! LOL.
I think i passed her on a work release chain gang roadwork crew.. someone in a pink head scarf...
yea I agree, the blog needed another dr. leon type!
for the hillbillies, Yippie ah ole kay!
so many prissy sissies here.
Thanks for your support and I was hoping some of you would take her to task, the sorrry assss uneducated BITCH.. along with no Class,and you know who u are...After saying that, I leave this alone...Oh ,by the way I do not live in a glass house, so just keep throwing the rocks my way... hee hee hee..JIM from Houston, Texas .... Say this is getting better than a 3 act play... don't ya think????SMILE
Jim baby, put down that drink.
hello// this is barry in florida i just want to kmow if this youngman the was arrested was the guy that jack meet at the park across from paco's and said he was a nice youngman and had a job and never ask him for money because he sent me a picture but i must have deleted it from my computer my mind just needs to know thank you very much
Who knows? The papers say that he was in charge of Phillips property
when Phillips was not in Santo
Domingo. A couple of nights ago, a
German couple was killed in Puerto Plata and their bodies thrown into a well. Apparently, they were also killed by somebody close to them. It seems that if you are a foreigner living here, you might as well attach a bulls-eye to your back because sooner or later someone is going to set their
sights on you!
In the Puerto Plata case, they seem hell bent on blaming the Haitians.
Either way, it does seem like things down there are getting a wee bit dangerous.
We know you are careful Anthony but please be extra careful!!
For the record, not everyone who comes to Santo Domingo has a parasitical relationship with the Dominicans. Some of us do love the country and the people. What happened to Jack is sad on many levels and some of the comments made here is why some queens should not be invited to your dinner party!
Trust. Those queens are not on the list.
Actually, the LIST has gotten smaller and smaller as fewer long term visitors visit.
These days the list may consist of one or two people with a kazoo and party hats sitting in the VIP (LOL) lounge of JD's.
God, i love that island!
Jim...your insistance on using capital lettters may just mean that you are a lonely angry old man..take the hint and get rid of the caps.....
SHADE!!! Tha American way!!
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