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Is Eukliptus Closed?
Eukliptus is now closed. There has been a lot of bad blood between the owner/leaseholder of the building and the current occupants managing the place. There have been complaints about someone cutting electric wires, removing pieces from air conditioning, and general not nice behavior. This all culminated with the owner and his lawyer going to the bar, and they didn't seem very interested in talking. ALLEGEDLY, Manuel (pictured above) and one of his employees (Jeyq) were physically attacked. When the dust settled the employee was knocked unconscious, allegedly from the butt of a gun. Manuel needed 13 stitches to close the wound on his arm from a machete. At least this is what is being alleged.
More allegations to follow ...
I do hope Manuel is doing OK. Sorta disturbing to hear about the many obstacles that one has to deal with when trying to run a business - and that goes for anytown, in any part of the world! Bad relations among people will always, always mess things up. And this dispute certainly get outa hand when guns and machete are mentioned. Sad indeed. SMH - Brien, NY
"EUKLIPTUS" So sorry to hear that but I am not the least bite surprised with my last trip to Santo Domingo, it looked like it was in deep trouble when I was there(no business).Seems like any new place of business really has a hard time to get started and keep enough business to keep the place open, sad really.I hope Manuel is doing better now,along with anyone else who may have been hurt, Bless his heart.
Never a dull moment in the good ole' DR. Well, I am totally smitten with Manuel and have been so for about 5 years now. I've enjoyed watching him grow up and pull himself up by the boot straps and try to 'legitimize' himself. Best wishes and I am so glad he was not killed. Thank god Anthony you manage to keep your nose clean.
I hope Manuel and the others are OK! Damn, we can't have anything anywhere! And I liked that bar... so sad (shaking head)
Did someone say Bar Friends? LOL
I also really enjoyed the Bar. At times, it was frustrating but a good relaxed evening. I hope another one opens to take it's place.
Is this the same old tired ass club. where the boys are constantly hovering over you to buy them a drink? Or that their Madre is sick and needs medicine? Or they are constantly massaging your back while coaxing you to take them back to your hotel. Could this be that "E" Club ?? PLEASE!! Yeah,chile I love it,give me MORE!! So Sad,too bad.
What about the owner and the other occupants of the building? Did the owner force them out too? Or was Manuel the only one affected?
The original lease holder allegedly wants the building back so he can run it in the day and night time.
One nice thing. If you dont like Eukliptus, you can go to Cha or Gazuela[if it is still open} and hang with the girls. I would have preferred to be at the Euklpitus that is impossible....
Eukliptus was never on my list of favorite places in SD. However, given the lack of gay or gay-friendly places to go to, any loss is a big loss. I hope that Manuel heals well and can open up a new business soon!
David Lee where are you and the Sports Bar when we need you?
Now there were two CLASS acts!
What is wrong with the folks. It is so unfortunate, that there are so many problems in Running/Operating a Gay Bar in Santo Domingo. Lately, this has been happening quite often, OPEN ONE NIGHT CLOSED IN 3 MONTHS. It all seems such a waste of time,energy and good money down the drain.
I wish someone could come up with a better Recipe for Survival and Longevity. It's all about doing the Homework before operating any business. Think about it...
Like so many Dreams and Possibilities in this country. IT IS SHORT LIVED.....
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