What makes this change bearable is that I have been able to get a visa for my Dominican boyfriend to live with me and attend school. I have been working on it for two years and it finally came through. I know what some of you are thinking. Is this wise? I never thought this would happen, but I am deeply, truly in love. It is time to settle down and be committed to one person. I also believe you just have to take chances in life and step out on faith. If we are meant to be together we will be. I know that he loves me. He told me so. He is different. He comes from a good family and has traveled to other countries. I wish everyone could be as happy.
The blog will still continue. I have recruited another foreigner who lives here, who wishes to remain anonymous. Along with a local gay Dominican to keep the blog running. I may even contribute some items here and there. But for the most part I will be passing the torch and moving on. This way you can still find out what is going on here and keep up with the latest this, that and the other.
I am leaving on May 1, 2010. So on April 30, I will have a party at the old Arena venue. For one night only Arena will be open and invitation-only. Everything will be free. We will be having a sit-down dinner for 100, and afterward a spectacular show with all the male strippers of the Dominican Republic in attendance. To close the night there will be a small fireworks display. I want to go out with a bang.
I want to thank everyone who has been supportive and helpful to me over the many years of the this journey. If you would like to join me for the final party please send me an email. For those of you who can't make it I hope you have a great April Fools' Day.
AM, life is journey, we all wish that we could have done what you did, but it's not for every one. but you have manage to do so, moving would be another part of your journey! I wish you all the best and welcome the new writers. But you will be missed, but its not good bye but good luck!!!!!
I'm not going anywhere. This was written for April Fools' Day.
i was going to say, I know you're smart enough not to get a visa for some allegedly gay sanky that will only break your heart once you bring him to the US. Very well written, you had me fooled.
hahahahhaahhaa hate yu!!! i totally believed everything until I got to that last line lol
You had me until the last line also, Anthony. But the devil in me says I'm sorry you fessed up so soon. I can picture the havoc it would have caused had you let the "news" hang out there for a few days. But you're too kind-hearted to do that......that's why you're so special! Even tho you're not moving back, keep working on that boyfriend angle, tho!
George in SF
well it was sad reading until you got me with the april fool's joke. but are you really in love with that boy like you said? because i was really happy for you.. even a bit jealous, but totally understanding your reason..No one could take your place blogging anthony. You are the reason some guys go down to the dominican republic and it would not be the same without you. Now...just for that.. you MUST put some really hot boys on here to make up for that.My heart had sunk 2 meters..You good for nothing
You got me on this one. :)
Damn you mean there's no strippers. I'm so upset! LOL
You got me. You know that I'm old and slow and it takes me sometime to get it. I was on the phone with Tommy and we were reading it togeather, I told him that I had to hang up the phone smoke a cig and look for my heart medication until I scrolled down. Like I asked you a few blogs ago 'WHY YOU KEEP FUCKING WITH ME'? See you soon.
I admit I fell for it all the way until the end!...lol...that was good!
I too was devastaed. Your site gives me so much JOY.
So you're saying there won't be a party and strippers? Daamn it!! LOL, you really had me going. Good one.
You had me thinking but I did notice that no where in your departing words did u ever mention your name,so I just kept reading & wondering, is he for real,leaving his beloved Santo Domingo, where the studs are many and the weather is perfect.However after saying that, I could fully appreciate the segment about building up your securities for retirement, that was understandably real,then I get to the last bite about "April Fool", darn u had me thinking u were for real however, I am happy your not.But hay if thats what you ever decided to do, then I would give your my upmost regards for success and happiness, the only thing I questioned was bring a lover back with you, man he would be gone in less than 3 months or sooner.In general, I do not think they can be trusted once they get there freedon over here in the U.S.(just my limited feelings and view on that issue)You need to write a book..smile..thanks for sharing this far fetch bogus story.(JFHT)
Im gonna miss you so much , really you dont know how important has this blog been for me, I love you, good Luck!!
Totally fooled!!!, can't forgive you hahaha. For a moment I thought, no more local gay news from a decent source available, no more. Keep it a man, We love you!!!
sanky, sanky...what is a
It is with great sadness that I read this post. I have been following Monaga for more than 2 years now and I have always found it to be very interesting and the site has always helped keep me informed about events and important news in the gay community. Has a foreigner myself, I related to a lot of your posts. I don't think I have had the pleasure to meet you but I am sure our paths have crossed since, the gay community is so small here.
I would love to get a chance to go to the party that you are throwing.
I can be reached at jamesplantin@yahoo.com
I hope you all the best in your future endeavors.
Anthony Montgomery! You are my only link to the D.R. currently and probably will be til the last day. All I could think was take your blog with you cause no one else could run like you. This was not funny in the beginning until you got to the boifriend. I thought, "he can't be serious". So now I know, keep those pics comin' cause my farewell was in '08. Peace, Lorin
I knew something was strange when you mentioned a significant other because you have never blogged about a a significant other before. But you did have me fooled for the most part until those last few words.
OK, AM, you had me going until you started paying homage to all those hundreds of tourists who you've heard say, "I know he loves me. He told me so. He is different."
I thought to myself, "Now I know my Anthony so where's the punch line here?!" Voila'. At the end.
Mark W., Victorville, CA USA
Wow...Santo Domingo without Anthony. It will never be the same. But I wish you luck and if it is time to go and start a new life again back in the USA we welcome you back with open arms. Let us know where you finally end up and email address, etc... so we can check up on you and make sure your soing fine and happy. I know deep down you'll miss the DR...but then there is always retirement right? That is what the Caribbean is for. Kicking back and relaxing and using your Social Security check to live the good life in a warm climate. Good for your bones, arthritis and whatever ails you! Best of Luck.... Jimmy and Paulo from Boston.
Tony Hola;
Why did you have folks getting upset with you - shame on you for playing that practical jokes, Good one!!!. Any hoot happy to hear it was an April Fool's joke and you're not going anywhere. The Island of DR would not be the same w/o you (smiles).
Gee in VA
HAHAHAHA ... Chile, u had me riveted to the screen (my mind crying NOOOOO)...Good one on us but WE (THE PEOPLE) NEED U THERE!!! ... I know I would send a care package each month for food staples ...lol
Bernie B
LOL!!! I was very worried about the boyfriend-in-the-States bit because I know how much those beautiful boys lie...
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