Wednesday, May 26, 2010


A few weeks ago I talked about a new place opening (opened April 15). Here is the information. It is called Kronos. It is an elegant lounge/club that is located in the El Vergel section of Santo Domingo. It is attracting a mixed (men and women), sophisticated clientele.

Calle Dr. Cesar Dargam #21
(Corner of La Lira directly behind Apec University)
El Vergel, Santo Domingo


Anonymous said...

If that's a female stripper in that second photo, they won't be getting my money!

Anonymous said...

Pleople that I know went a few times and they arent going back. Security told my friends they werent allowed to dance together!!

Anonymous said...

So I take it that this is suppose to be a St.Club?? Is that correct???It sounds like the gay's clientel were not really welcome?? is that correct???So do u think this club shall make it???looks different but nicely decorated but very small and cut up...great lighting however...(JFTH)

Anonymous said...

too much homophobia for me!!

Anonymous said...

then imagine what happened when two of my friends kissed.. I won't go back there.

Miguel Rodriguez said...

It´s true and it happend to me.
I was giving a litlle kiss to my boy friend and the security guy just stopped us and not in a good way and told us that we couldent do that in the place.
I wrote a letter to them telling the incident but they did not apologies.