It seems that the local hustler bar was raided on Tuesday. The police went inside the bar and physically made all the local Dominicans leave and took them to the police station. The very few Americans there were kinda scared. One of the clients sent me this photo.
Update: This is something that goes on frequently in Santo Domingo. The staff nor tourists are bothered, provided you have valid ID. It is all about money. The police want to get money from the guys.
Which Bar?
... Oh i see it's Phoenix Bar
Are they still in jail or have they
been released?
I wasn't able to recognize anyone from the photo.
Glad to know that none of my men were there. At least I didn't get a call for bail money (yet)
just wondering, but is there a law against male solicitation, procurement or prostitution? under what pretext could they round up and arrest these guys? how long can they hold them? what would the bail rates be like? in general do people in Santo Domingo condone this? poor papis
Hi Anthony,
Let us know more about what happened and why they raided the bar and rounded up the the Dominicans that were in the bar please? Also can you comment on why they only took the Dominicans into custody and not the Americans that were in the bar? And what happens to the owner? What about the employees as the bar? Were they taken in too? Was there any news in the local press about this?
Ya know, I wonder was drugs involved? Hmmm....trouble just seems to follow her.
Please don't get me wrong, but as a blogger and a business owner in Santo Domingo I would think that from a public relations persective you would focus primarily on the positive rather that the negative. Sure everywhere on the planet has it's share of difficulties, but due to the unfamiliar perspective that most of us who read this blogg may have, I personally feel that it only serves to harm the image of the DR rather than promote it and your causes and business. Information is power, but negative information is damaging on many fronts. Just my opinion and something to consider.
For that person talking about a blogger. its up the the blogger to write what ever he or she feels like writing. Now if you feel that you want to write about your good xperiences, its a free service it only take about 15 min. of your time be my guest. remember FREE SPEACH!
I agree with the post directly above: blogging is one person's perspective. It should be uncensored and consist of whatever the blogger wishes to post. As stated, if you have a differing opinion or perspective, by all means start your own blog. Here is a man who has taken a great many risks to persue a different life in a foreign country. From what i can see, this is one of the few brothers in my age group who have followed what they wanted to do. I want to hear WHATEVER he has to say about WHATEVER is on his mind.
I appreciate everyone's comments and understand all the perspectives. Now my reply: the the person who thinks we should only talk about the "positive," I would have to respectfully disagree. If I don't write about issues that go on here, doesn't mean they won't be discussed, and most times incorrectly. Now, I wonder what your thoughts are when my name is business is being scandalized? Again, ANYONE can start their own blog and write about WHATEVER they want. I'm writing about what I WANT. Period!
Now, as to the raid. This is something that is NOT limited to this bar, unfortunately the police here are corrupt and will try and take advantage of anyone, given the opportunity. It seems that someone ran into the bar and that gave the police a reason to go in and arrest all the guys. Now, if the people taking care of the place at the time had intervened and gave them some money it could have all been taken care of. I think all is well now and hopefully they have gotten things taken care of.
The comment itself is good and the solicited feedback to the "public relations/positive aspect" comment is good. Those of us who have met Anthony and have grown to know and care for him only want him to remain in the positive spirit we know he generates. Life has a strange way of giving us the test first, followed by the lesson.
I feel I should clarify my earlier comments. As I re-read them it seemed that I might be saying fuck everyone and only my opinion counts (usually that is true!). But, in this instance what I'm saying is that there is so much false information spread that it makes no sense to me NOT to let people know how things are done, so that if you find yourself in this situation you won't panic and understand what it is about. Too often people want to mold things into what they WANT them to be, as opposed to how they really are.
Just my 2 cents, and again, I appreciate all comments.
Thanks so much for keeping it real and not putting blinders on like some would like. The things you say I personally feel are very helpful in making my trips to the DR most pleasant. If there is something negative that happens, please report and not stick your head in the sand like some would want. Like what was said previous, "information is power". Thank you for putting your neck on the chopping block and tackling those dirty truths that some would like to be keep in the dark. I'm certain that the information that you have posted have saved many of us from unneccesary grief. Sounds like you all are going to have a good time getting together for the holidays. Sorry I won't be there but you and all busines owners are in my prayers and thoughts.
Hello all, wow! this post and other like it seems to have generated many comments which is a good thing. It shows the diversity of thinking by those who enjoy reading this blogg and look forward to it keeping us there even when we are not. The gossipy aspects of the blogg as I know from talking to others does not reflect well toward Anthony and to others it is a turn on, and to some a turn off, but as people here constantly say, that is Anthony's personal battle to fight. He lives there and the majority of us don't. I hope Anthony based on the various comments will save them all and do a book. What a read that would be?
Your contributions to our community are invaluable. Many of us consider DR our home away from home. Everybody that I know is either reading your blog or having it read to them. I called a fried in Florida to see how he made out in the hurricane and to find out if there was anything that I could do to help him. His only request was to go to Monaga . com and read the BLOG. I'm glad that you realize the importance of self-discovery and personal gwowth.
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