* Baron came by yesterday. Baron is a Dominican impresario, who is flamboyant and loves life. He manages Dominican dancers/strippers. I have worked with Baron for a long time and told him that I some people looking for some models to shoot. He said he is grooming 5 new guys now and would bring over 2 for me to see. Well, he did and everyone was in agreement, they were gorgeous. I then called Kenny who appeared with one of his backup singers, they had some costumes and decided to shoot them to use for publicity for the DIH2 party next March. As Ernest Montgomery was here staying with us, Ernest so graciously came down and did the lensing. I had been speaking with Baron because I'm interested in putting a invitation-only soiree together where you have only the most beautiful and stunning men who will strip for my V.I.P. clients. So, if you know of any stunningly beautiful Dominican men, let me know. (The photos of the models at the top were taken by my little digital)
* Today, Gerardo comes by in full military garb. I didn't know what this meant,

* I just got word recently that someone has leased the old Casa de Monaga guesthouse and will be opening Casa New York (or New Yorker?). This is a rumor and has not been confirmed, but if it is true I want to wish the owner the best of luck. I pray you can make the place a success, I sure couldn't.
* It is so nice to see the snow and cold going on in the States and not having to worry about it at all. It was overcast here today and rained, BUT, it is comfortably warm and lovely. Tomorrow it should be 83 beautiful degrees and NO humidity!
* I have just noticed that I have passed 112 blog entries and over 13,000 hits since starting the blog. WOW!!!! Thanks everyone for the support and I hope to continue letting you know about what is going on in Santo Domingo/Dominican Republic. I want to start a Spanish version, too. I'm talking with some people who can translate what I write and will be able to offer other things about what is going on in the gay Dominican community. Any suggestions? Let me know.
* My nosey neighbors that I wrote about a few blog entries back are not quite as nosey as before. The woman that lives directly cross the street has come and told one of my employees that she has a gift shop and she would love to sell to our clientele. Unfortunately, I am going to have to find a way to tell her that her son (who is only 14 years old!) is cruising my clients and will come over late at night when people are coming in to ask for money. He is even looking up to the windows and lifting his shirt up. I make sure to let everyone know about his antics and tell them to not associate with him at all. The tailor, who was the shit-starter, has even come around. We had someone who needed some pants hemmed and have since sent him other business. The colmado (bodega, neighborhood store) has always been cool. They make the best, cheapest food in the area and I make sure everyone staying here eats there at least once. The owner is still trying to sell me the building. She is under the false impression that I have a lot of money. The lady who lives in the building next door and speak English is now cordial and nice. She said she appreciates that we respect the area and make sure no one is hanging around. We also have a guard at night who watches things on the block, that is when he is not sleeping in our lobby. Even the policeman that you used to look at me with suspicion now talks to me, when no one is looking of course. I bought him and his partner food the other day, and now they want to come and see "what it looks like inside." All you do is treat people with respect and everything works itself out.
* There is a queen that has been coming down here for a time. She always comes with a good friend. Always very standoffish and shady. Claims to have this, and know such and such, you know the type, pretentious. LikeS to lecture people about how they should conduct themselves with the boys, and faints if she thinks you have paid them too much. She treats the buggarones as if they are gum beneath her shoe, though she is still taking them home. In the past she would speak, or nod in my general vicinity. This time she pretended she didn't know me, even though his friends came over and spoke. She even finds the blog "distasteful," though of course he reads it every day. Sweety, don't you think it's time they increased your dosage of methadone? LOL!
* Lastly, I just started getting hit again with fake reservations. I have my "criminal" computer people on it and if I get their personal information I promise that I will post it here. You have been warned, again.
anthony, this blog is so funny. I live for it. I also love the pictures. I really started to chuckle when you said that the shady lady's son is trying to come on to your guest.
Hey everybody,
Dominican young man here from NYC. I ran into this page by means of a friend, and its been a pleasant surprise. I like that u (Anthony) portray Santo Domingo in such a good light. If it is true that our men are hot, horny as hell and ready to rumble, u don't fail to show that we r not just sex machines and so forth. Thanx for shedding some light on the ignorance of many. Trixtr83@yahoo.com
I met Baron a few years back (well...more than a few) when Rigoberto was his prized dancer. Rigoberto was a demi-god in those days with a muscled and fine body. However, something happened (steroids, maybe) and he blew out of proportion as I see from some pics of him that you have in the Photo Gallery. These guys seem a bit on the heavy side for strippers, especially the first one. I they bulk up any more, I wonder what they will look like in thongs! Just my two cents...
From Puerto Rico,
That uniform doesn't do Gerardo justice.
The guards at the National square opposite El Conde have uniforms that are very nice. Also, maybe a gladiator uniform or a Roman centurion or a loincloth or...
I have to agree with Rafael, those two guys look like they might be auditioning for the Pillsbury dough boy commercial! But if that's your choice of "cookie" then have at it!
those pictures don't do them justice, and they are at the gym as we speak. I PROMISE (!) you will be very pleasantly surprised. But, then again, to each his own.
...the Pillsbury dough boy?! Ouch! That has to hurt...LOL!!
Pillsbury dough boy? Hmmm... send Anthony your semi-nude pic, let him post it on the blog and let's compare.
Better yet, just send in a face pic. Just one, really.
Keep in mind a lot of the guys Anthony puts up on the site actually look at it and the comments themselves.
Play nicely!
Just ruuuuub it in why don't you?! You know we have minus 6 wind chills and snow on the ground!! But you had to mention your balmy 80 degree temps didn't you? I'll get you my pretty. LOL And I'm loving the blog. You MUST go with me to this new beach on my next visit.
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