Brenda Unforgettable Revlon is someone that I have known for several years. I first met Brenda at a party in Washington Heights (NYC) at the home of Ray Modesto, a Dominican travel agent. I had seen her perform a couple of times in NYC at different venues, then a couple of years ago I was in the old Atlantis Disco here in Santo Domingo, and who should I see, but the lengendary diva herself holding court. We took a picture together and promised to keep in touch. I wrote her number on a napkin that got wet and we lost touch.
Brenda is a very proud Dominican transsexual who visits the island at least 3 times a year. She was born in the DR, but grew up mostly in NYC. Brenda not only performs at many venues around the city, buts works in the HIV prevention field in Nueva York.
I saw Brenda several months ago at Jay-Dee's, and we got to talking. It was there that I told her we need to get together and put on a "mini-ball" here in the DR. Something with a distinctly Dominican flair. We have been corresponding and she told me how popular the Monaga Blog is among gay Dominicans living in the States. She suggested that I could tell the story about the Dominicans who left the islands who felt stymied about their sexuality and made names for themselves amongst the gay scene in NYC (and elsewhere). One particular name is Mario. Mario died recently in NYC after a long illness. We are putting a story together and I hope to have something for you really soon. There are others that I would like to tell you about, like Barbie Crawford, who stars in the show at Escuelita's, along with others.
Stay Tuned!
u go girl!
thanx ant for showing all the views of dominicans
Dios mio! What big tetas!!
I agree with the last post.But the real question is how do TVs get such HUGE knockers.I mean look at them.They're mountainous.
you Pay For Them there called breats implants. as per the first comment the pics where taken like that i wasnt trying to open my mouth to hint that i need a penus in it Unlike Gay men Some of us Transexuals pull the Boys in with just how we look!!!!
Brenda Responds to an Ignorant Comment
"Unlike Gay men Some of us Transexuals pull the Boys in with just how we look!!"
Great answer! It puts gay men in their place (because gay men pull the boys in with cash money) and indicates that you are well aware that you are NOT a woman but a transexual which shows acceptance of your condition. Congratulations!
Miss Brenda
I am sorry for the 'ignorant comment' in my previous post. Sometimes, I get carried away. A bit of advice: Fire your photographer. Get another one. NOBODY looks good in a picture with their mouth open...not Paris Hilton...not Naomi Campbell...not Anthony...not me...not you. I am sure that you are a very nice person so, once again, my apologies. Have a nice life.
From Puerto Rico,
its not a problem i have better pics those where just taken quickly and with some movments to make them look more life like, Anthony Is a Dear Friend of Mine and hes Going to be Doing a Peace on Dominican Transexuals In NYC and Better pics will be on Promise.
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