Jealousy is an ugly thing, and so are you in anything backless. -- Sofia Petrillo to Dorothy, from the Golden Girls TV Show
* Today many people are starting to leave and things are slowing down a bit. I have another crew coming in on Thursday, and the cycle starts over again. I had a great time this weekend. Got to chance to spend some time with DuJuan Xavier, owner of Ebony Pyramid Entertainment, who was here celebrating his birthday. Mario Sessions was here, too, putting the finishing touches on his birthday party. We have another birthday boy here who is a first-time Dominican Republic visitor, Derrick H., from Atlanta. Happy birthday, Derrick. Also, Melvin Stuart is here and celebrated his birthday with some food and cake at the Sport Bar last night. Expecting a lot of great people coming down in the next couple of weeks and I can't wait. The season is starting off very nicely. Also, if you are here on Saturday, December 17, you can help me celebrate my 41st birthday. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I will figure out something.
* Last night in ARENA I saw the ever-youthful Manuel, former manager of the Atlantis Disco. He now owns a Lesbian bar in Gazcue. I will get more information about it and post it here. As always, he looked like time had passed him by.
* On Saturday night I went to Jay-Dee's and had a great time. Had not seen the dancer Rigoberto in several months, and it was good to see him and he danced superbly, as usual. The place was packed and I was able to chat with several people I had not seen in awhile. Chachita Rubio was also there and looking fabulous.
* I have become addicted to AOL radio. It is free and has hundreds of stations. Check it out!
Was it really a year ago we were celebrating your Big 4-0 at the A Club?? My, my, my my my!
We will definitely be in on the festivities again this year.
Long weekends are never enough, so we're staying a bit longer this time. Arrival on the 16th. - C&J.
That's a nice picture of Joel.
It looks like he's let his hair grow a bit.
I'd like to see the your other pictures of Joel and others.
Every time I visit the DR I bring my (antique) pocket instamatic and my (antique) video-camcorder.
My friends ask me to take pictures, but I end up either having too much fun or relaxing too much to do it.
I'm visiting again in February and early March. Maybe then.
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