Saturday, January 13, 2007


The weather has rainy and cool for the last 10 days or so. This is supposed to be the dry season. Peaks of sun every now and again. But, very blah, to be sure.

I was in Ocho Puertas (8 Doors) the other evening, and spoke with the owner, Dana. He informed me that he would be closing the doors for good on Monday, January 15, 2007. He said that with the curfew, along with the current business climate, it just isn't feasible to continue. It was very sad to hear. If you have been to the bar, then you know just how beautiful and great a space it is. Let's hope that someone opens up something else soon, or maybe someone else can takeover the Ocho Puertas space. Anyway, good luck to Dana.

Washington, D.C.'s, own Mario Sessions, will be throwing his annual birthday party in Santo Domingo, the weekend of March 9, 2007. For more information on the festivities to

There were some murmurs about a "gay wedding" that took place in Santo Domingo, during the Christmas holidays. Being an eternal skeptic, I didn't pay it much attention. Then I run into someone I know that works at the Hilton Hotel, and he asks me did I hear about the wedding. Still didn't think much about it. Then I get an email, and find out it is all true. It was a commitment ceremony, that by all accounts was done in a elegant, grand style. No expense was spared and it has gotten many of the locals who witnessed it talking. I have been talking with one of the participants to see if he will allow me to show some of the photos and share their story. Some of the local media have gotten wind of the affair, and want to do a story themselves. He knows that more than likely it will be held up to ridicule and that is the last thing he (or I) wants. I have told him that I will give him total control over what is written, and what pictures are shown. Also, no names have to be divulged. But, I would understand if he would prefer to not publicize it. We'll see ...

While sitting here writing this blog entry, I hear all this commotion outside in the street. When I open the door to see what is going on, I notice that everyone is staring at a woman on the corner is naked. The word spread like wildfire, and people are starting to come from everywhere. It is obvious (I think) that she is mentally unbalanced. But, then aren't we all, sometimes.

Don't forget, if you are in Santo Domingo, this week to stop by Jay-Dee's on Thursday, January 18, 2007. Eddie and Samuel will be celebrating their 6th anniversary together. Last year, I wrote about their 5th-year celebration at Bar Friends.

I mentioned in a couple of posts ago that I wanted to see Dreamgirls desperately. And thanks to Chris from D.C., I have! Let me just say the power of the internet is amazing. Then I find out that they are going to be showing it here in the next couple of weeks. Posters are starting to appear. Can't wait, because there is nothing like seeing a great musical on the big screen.

For those in NYC, or who will be visiting, checkout the musical In the Heights. Go to the website for more information.

I think that is it.

Until soon,
Monaga Blogger


Anonymous said...

Good to have you back. We miss you.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Good to have you back. Please blog some more.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad that Ocho Puertas is closing. That makes choices for gay clubs even less in SD. I was there with some friends New Year's Eve and there was a good-sized crowd, but the rest of the nights it was pretty slow. I guess that someone has yet to figure out how to break the Friends, Jay Dee, and Arena hold on gay nightlife!
From Puerto Rico,