Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Holiday ToyBoy

Very interesting video about older women looking for love. This time in the Dominican Republic. I wonder if it similar to gay men looking for love?


Anonymous said...

Just a note of thanks for this site. There is a great video of Santo Domingo and covers lots of the differetn sections of the city, Very nice.Then there are also some additional video's that you can select to view with some delicious eye candy in swin wear, Oh so HOT.I leave it there for anyone interested to view on there own and make there own decisions.JIM From Houston, Tx.

Derek said...

It is absolutely the same. When I was last there having a limonada on the Conde I remarked to my traveling companions about how many European men and woman I saw with beautiful Dominican men or woman. Sometimes I would see the same Dominican with a different sexed tourist on different days. What it comes down to is you have an island with a lot of young people, few jobs, and even fewer job prospects, who need to eat and live. They barter what they have which is their extraordinary beauty and youth to tourist whom could not get the same attention at home that they get in the islands. From what I have read this kind of thing goes on everywhere and is not limited to the DR.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting indeed. I love when this type of lifestyle is exposed, but what I like more are the comments! You had a link some time ago to dr1 about skanky panky that was AWESOME. I never tire of this topic, but would love to see it with the roles reversed. It seems to me that it is less shocking to hear about man/woman, and not man/man relationships no mattter how unconventional.

Anonymous said...

Looking for what? Love? No, dear.
It's only a sexual attraction. Like
Tina Turner said, What's love got to do with it?

Anonymous said...

It is only in the hustler's head that he can convince himself that he is different than a female prostitute. In the end, if the western older fat cow does not pay, he would not have sex with her. So, let the sanki panki/bugaroon justify why he does it. It is still a matter of the propina/taxi fare/regalito/cellphone downpayment or whatever he wants to call it.

Anonymous said...

mz anthony knows this topic that's why he moved to the DR not for the sun or the great economic priviledges

Anonymous said...

That last comment was muy shady!! BRAVO to you Mr Montgomery for sharing it. And bravo to you for having this blog, I LOVE IT!!

Anonymous said...

Do I ever agree with the posting of Apr 02,08:36 p.m. 100%, right on...

Anonymous said...

Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaave Madonaaaaaaaaaa Alooooooooooone !!!