Hostal Nomadas is the latest addition to the colonial zone lodging scene. It is located on the corner of Calle Las Mercedes and Jose Reyes. Seeing the building in its raw state and seeing the pictures of what it looks like today is amazing. I do not know if they are gay friendly, or what their policies are. I do know that according to their website the prices are $30 - 60 per night.
For many years this building, which was a former school, sat empty. Then an ex-pat from Belgium, Bart Callebaut, purchased/leased the building with the idea of turning into some type of small hotel. He was designing a website and started remodeling the building. Unfortunately, Bart was an extremely troubled young man who had problems with too much drink and drugs. The last time I saw him he was acting very erratically and he was making no sense. Then months and months went by and no one had seen or heard from him. Then one day the word spread that Bart had been found dead. He had committed suicide.
This hostal was his dream and now it has been realized. It is a shame that he is not here to see it. Best of luck to the new owners.
For many years this building, which was a former school, sat empty. Then an ex-pat from Belgium, Bart Callebaut, purchased/leased the building with the idea of turning into some type of small hotel. He was designing a website and started remodeling the building. Unfortunately, Bart was an extremely troubled young man who had problems with too much drink and drugs. The last time I saw him he was acting very erratically and he was making no sense. Then months and months went by and no one had seen or heard from him. Then one day the word spread that Bart had been found dead. He had committed suicide.
This hostal was his dream and now it has been realized. It is a shame that he is not here to see it. Best of luck to the new owners.
Anthony, is this located near Bar Eukliptus???
Wow, such a beautiful place for such a tragic ending! Curious to see if the world economy allows so many new hoteliers to stay in business especially in such a saturated geograpphical area. DR has only taken a small dip but a large enough dip to effect such a small area. Good Luck!
It is located about 5 blocks from Eukliptus on Las Mercedes.
Hi everybody,
I'm Marion and with my husband Freddy we are the new owners of Hostal Nómadas. We're a french-dominican family with 1 little kid.
Thank you to Monaga to post this article of our Hostal.
We are open minding people, and everyone with "good vibes" is welcome to be our guest.
I invite you to visit our website (in Spanish) at www.hostalnomadas.com and another description in english on the page: http://www.colonialzone-dr.com/hostal-nomadas.html
Want to tell Monaga that we knew Bart too, when he just arrived in Santo Domingo and saty a couple of months in other Hotel (where I was the manager )and he was talking about us about his project. We had such a pain to learn that he has died. I'm sure he would have like the hotel as we do it now.
Thank you all...
Marion & Freddy de Hostal Nómadas
There is this tribute to Bart on YouTube:
Just cut and paste.
Thanks, that still some people remenber Bart.
The hotel looks great and is also cost effective... an English version of the website would be CUTE. And because the owners responded here, I will definitely stay there on my next visit. I love checking out cute new hotels... me and my 'good vibes'.
I checked out the website and it looks great. I like the location also. I will consider it for my next trip to the DR. I love those prices.
I wonder if the mural I did for Bart is still there? We had a deal that if he liked it, keep it - lol.
It's a wall mural of a colonial courtyard right on the entrance wall of the hotel.
Probably gone now is my guess. Bart sure did have big dreams, a good heart I think but way to much sadness and depression. He got to the point where he wouldn't leave the building and just gave in to his dark thoughts. Sad ending to a young man.
Craig Poole
To Craig
Thanks Craig for your comment and the fact you still remember Bart. I know he had a good heart. I remember him as my young man with a lot of ambition and who was always ready to help his friends and me. Many times, he said to me that you were his best friend. It's really very sad that his paradise became the hell for him.
I'm still missing him. Daily I think about him. I think I will visit his grave next year in March.
Thanks a lot for what you have done for Bart.
His father, Freddy
I visited the English version of the new Hotel, very nice , clean and looks inviting.I wonder if anyone knows,, do they allow over night guest??How far from the condie is it located because at night the streets are dark with few street lights???thanks for sharing.
To Anonymous...
To answer your questions, Yes we allow night guest with a 10 USD extra charge and guest have to leave identification on reception. And yes, we'are near the Conde street just 2 streets away from eat ( about 5 min walking ).
Marion from Hostal Nómadas
Hello Marion,Thank you for your resoince, So your going to charge for over night guest, how sad, well guess in that case we shall have to reconsider your new place, too bad. I would strongly encourage you to reconsider that extra charge,however again, it is your place so you must do what u feel u must do.Good Luck anyway...
Hi Marion If I pay for a double room , should I NOT have Double (2)people in the room? If I had a single room I would understand the charge. So does this charge also apply to the double room? Please respond.
If you have questions for the owners of the hotel, why not write them privately? $10 for an overnight guest is nothing to whine about. Grow up. Stop being so cheap and tacky.
The website/hotel seems nice. Good luck to you. Don't change your guest policy. If you do, every tired, broke queen from all over will destroy your property and reputation. (Caribe Colonial learned the hard way.) Don't do it. If they can't afford a measly $10 for an overnight guest, you don't want them staying with you.
Hi everybody,
Sorry i didn't have time to answer yours question yet but will do it this afternoon when I've got a moment...
Thank you...
To 10:21 PREACH SISTA! Yes you said to the T!
Lawd, Lawd where is a policeman when you need him ? Girls,please!!
Anthony, just build another addition to the Camilo House and Have us all Stay with you. It'll be one big ole happy party ! love ya and thanks for the info. Hope to see you soon. I never can spend enough time with you. Melvin
Is Dominican Republic nice to move to cause i am thinking about moving there but idk por que i heard they are some color problem with the dark n light dominicanos plus i am dark skin puerto rican, and you know puerto ricans n dominicans dont really get along
Why don't Puerto Ricans and Dominicans get along?
Because they both have superiority complexes... and let's not get into the Cubans! They are ALL wonderful people of the beautiful Caribbean, and for that alone they should get along with one another. And they should all get together to have a hot orgy with me!
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