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The District Attorney for the National District of Santo Domingo has announced a meeting with residents of the colonial zone for this Friday. It was prompted by the front-page article in the newspaper. Honestly, the colonial zone could use a little cleaning up. I just fear that this whole exercise is solely about removing gay people from Parque Duarte. Stopping underage prostitution, drugs and the like is a good thing. While there at it, they could also round up the dozens of women who take over Avenida Independencia (behind the major hotels) and Malecon every night. If you don't like underage kids, don't indulge in drugs, and generally represent yourself with some decorum things will be fine. Just make sure to have your identification when you go out. I bet every bar/club will be asking for it this weekend.
It's that time of year again! When the Cardinal bitches that the Colonial Zone is going to the dogs and everyone involved will burn in hell, the politicians put on their little show. It will all blow over in a week or two and things will be back to "normal" whatever that is....
There is no normal in the Colonial Zone!!!
Hello everyone. There was also an article in DominicanToday(4/9/2010)the online newspaper, if anyone care to read it. The the online discussion was very interesting. Check it out..
I do NOT support a vice crackdown against anyone and I don't think it is wise for you to do so. Lets give others the freedom we want for ourselves.
Who wrote in favor of vice crackdowns here? Did I miss something? Please advise.
From Puerto Rico,
Rafael, read the article
to 7:56 a.m.-underage prositution should not be tolerated anywhere...if you don't agree to that vice crackdown........
it would be nice to have el conde cleaned (swept and washed down at night)!
Every country has red light districts BUT pediphilla is a crime!
OK, so I read the article and many of the comments are very true if not sad. But, further up, someone
(Sat. 7:56AM) wrote, "I do not support a vice crackdown against anyone and I don't think it is wise for YOU to do so." My question is: Who, in this thread, wrote in favor of the vice crackdown? Or is this "you" meant as a general term? Thank you.
From Puerto Rico,
I support a vice crackdown on underage hustlers/prostitutes....Adults are a different matter unless they are committing sex acts in the open view in the park and that is also a different story. Good common sense needs to prevail.
I do not understand a "crackdown" on what??? All of the times I have been in that park I never seen anything to casue this much concern,not even to any underage kids(or has it really changed to this degree that warrents such a drastic move??).Is the big man in the red and black robes causing this furry???Like Cardinal Lopez??Pray-tell he is at it again, it sure sounds like..They need to transfer him to some Remote Island where he can shepard his flock of molestation priest..don't ya think??
This is just the Church trying to divert attention from its own crimes against children.
If you want a crackdown on pedophilia,and vice in general start with the Vatican.
To the April 11 poster: I don't know if it is self hatred or internet trollism that causes anyone to lash out at teenagers instead of the forces of repression. To anyone who is scandalized by people hanging out in a park, maybe a laxative would help. I agree that the worst pedophiles are the ones in the Vatican and those who join the hypocritical anti sex league. Wilted virtue is never in fashion. And who cares if women stand on Avenida Indenpendencia..-Sincerely, Oscar in Puerto Plata
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