Another scandal is that they are unequivocally gay. It is not a scandal for me, but it is something that has many people commenting. And not positively. The two male hosts are also not Dominican, they are from Venezuela. Which also has many people unhappy. How dare these 'extranjeros' scandalize Dominican society the way they do. Day before yesterday they got into more trouble than they bargained for. Venya Carolina, a television personality, came on to the show to confront the hosts of Los Dueños del Circo about the negative things it says about her. Then things got out of hand when Venya Carolina gets into a tussle with the hosts and it all goes downhill from there. Look at the video here:
Today it is announced that the three hosts that participated in the melee have been suspended from appearing on television for three to six months. One of the hosts left the country last night. Dominican media has been riveted by the scandal.
Here is another video where they out Dominican media personalities:
Today it is announced that the three hosts that participated in the melee have been suspended from appearing on television for three to six months. One of the hosts left the country last night. Dominican media has been riveted by the scandal.
Here is another video where they out Dominican media personalities:
Wow, quite a show.
How HORRIBLE, JERRY Springer (style) now corrupts the DR, gay style. Unfortunatly, this will catch on....
I doubt that there will be much response on this because 1)the show is in Spanish, 2)it's at night, and 3)most posters here are drinking at Paco's when the show is on. Anyway, this is not the first time the hosts of this show get into trouble. They talk openly about who is cheating on their wife/husband, who recorded a terrible CD, who is doing what to whom, who is gay, who is a bad actor/actress, who did this and who did that. The fact that they are Venezuelan does not help and has won them many enemies in the DR although many people do like the show. It's only a matter of time before someone finds a way to shut them down forever.
Some of us are bilingual and still would not watch the show. And they will not be shut down forever. There is always live on the internet.
So there.
I guess Anon 10:46 put all of us in our place......We dont speak Spanish, we are afraid of the night and we spend all of our time at Paco's drinking...I guess he/she has us figured out....
You got that right.
You don't have to speak Spanish to understand those videos. You may not know exactly what is being said but you know what is going on. At least I did.
I have never seen this show in Santo Domingo. I don't go there to watch television. The second video in not that complicated to understand. They are outing gays who are in the "closet." The first is total chaos and who knows what they are saying to each other. I understand some Spanish but it is too much for me.
who goes on vacation to watch tv, maybe after an evening of hanging out you come back and turn on the tv then fall out. jerry springer style, out mag style or whatever...it's just sensational tv like TV everywhere and everything has it's time on and then off.
Oh my Lord, they change the song to "Marica tu / Marica yo..." and even add the duck quacking ("pato/pata") sounds. This is really a hot, outrageous mess x 4 that pretty much beyond what you'd see on US TV nowadays. Famous people still get to stay in the closet unless they're implicated in a scandal or someone outs them on the Net. Just look at the uproar about Elena Kagan and how the White House pushed back against CBS for putting out there what a lot of people supposedly already know. (And I always wondered if that sort of severe black newscaster was family.) Now I realize why I received a Facebook invitation to support this program. Thank for enlightening me.
To the reader who tried to get a comment in @ 3:25pm (today). Why do you keep coming to read my blog? Nothing else to do?
Don't hate. It is not becoming.
I guess they forgot they are men fighting a woman.
And yes, you don't need to speak spanish to figure out what's going on in both videos.
k corista, Monaga k lo k, washington heights here all day mad love on your blog and to D.R.
If you watched the whole episode with Venya Carolina you would know that she wasn't even invited to the show. She was recording her one show on the first floor and just bombarded their show. They were nice enough to let her stay and then she just wouldn't let anyone talk she was vulgar trying to act like she had more money then them and that they were all that. She started attacking them with her microphone and she got out of hand when the host said to cut to commercial cuz "she must be on drugs". That's when she went crazy attacking them and they just defended themselves. I'm Dominican and I love this show, people take it way too seriously. It's their job it's what they do take all the dirt out people just gotta chill out and take it as a joke. Now if they know it's true then you definitely can't get mad cuz people will then know that it's true. I'm just saying.
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