Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Scene and Heard

Potential DIH2 model

"Don’t shoot at the King, unless you’re sure you can kill him." (Thanks to Andy Praschak for that one!)

- One week to go for Dominican Island Heat. Kenny and Laurence are here putting the finishing touches on what they promise will be a great week of festivities. For more information on what the got planned go to Some people are already arriving!

- Last President’s Weekend there were quite a few tourists in town having a good time. One in particular, Baltimore Pinky, was an absolute slut. There were quite a few new faces who came down to get there Dominican fix. I hope everyone had a good time.
- For those who were offended by the Naive or Stupid entry, I´m sorry. There has been a little rumbling that I wrote it about someone specific, but I didn´t, it was different stories that I heard over the years. I just wanted to get some people to think a little.
- A couple of months ago I wrote an entry titled ¨where are all the white people.¨ Well, the subject has been brought up to me again a couple of times and I thought I would address it here. I have been asked the question, ¨why are most of your clients black?¨I didn´t know how to answer that question. Though I wondered if anyone ever asked when they were at Provincetown, Fire Island, Palm Springs, or other places like that, ¨where are all the colored people?¨There are those who feel that we might should advertise in the Advocate and maybe at the White Party in Palm Springs. Here is my thought, people travel, party, have sex and live with people they feel comfortable with. When I started going to a certain bar in NYC it was predominantly white, but then after a year it turned predominantly black. Now, I don´t think anyone said no more white people could come to the bar, just like anyone who wants to can come to the Dominican Republic. Can´t we just all get along?

- I want to say hello to the lawyer I met, whose name I can’t remember now, in the Sports Bar. He was very kind and generous talking about the blog. It is very nice to know that people enjoy the blog, even when they might disagree with some things I write. Thanks for the encouragement.

- Warning: I have been hearing about a couple of cases of scabies. You can catch scabies by sleeping in a bed that is infected, or by close (sexual) contact with someone infected. I’m not a medical doctor, but they are sort of like lice and are easily treatable with creams and lotions. The symptoms are an incredible itch, usually at night. From what I understand, they are very prevalent here in the islands. Take care and PLEASE make sure to use a condom (when having sex)!

- The invitation-only grand-opening of Casa New Yorker was a great success. Many people, including guests staying in the hotel, stopped by to wish Byron and Scotch much success. They had everyone up on the roof, where the food, drink and conversation was great. It was a beautiful night with stars filling the sky. What a great omen for things to come. Please check out the interview with Scotch and Byron below.

- On Wednesday’s, I will be helping out David Lee, from the Sports Bar. He will be traveling to D.C. in May for Gay Pride and helping out his sister, Vicki, with her parties. When he is gone, I will be running the bar for him. I just brought it up for those who saw me behind the register last week and didn’t know what to think. Also, for anyone looking for me, that’s where I’ll be, in plain sight. Of course, the Sports Bar is the place where you start your night off while you check out some eye candy and enjoy reasonably-priced drinks. Why would you need to go anywhere else (before you head on to Jay-Dee’s or ARENA? (Also, The Sports Bar is having its 1st anniversary celebration go to David´s site for more info).

- The weekend of March 10th, Mario Sessions will be bringing his posse down for his 2nd-annual birthday celebration. For more information you can go to

I have been asked can we have a truce? While one person tells you they want a truce, another tries to hit you upside the head from the other direction. I have tried to take the high road (I mean the best I could, really). But it seems that there are those who think their money and threats will silence me, but they won´t. As long as you fuck with me, I will return it with both barrels blazing. I have just one question, Lucifer, are you ready?

I am ...

Now you all have a nice time until I blog again, ya hear.


Anonymous said...

July of 2004, I caught scabies while in Santo Domingo. It was absolutely horrible! I did not know what was wrong. I just thought I had been bitten by several misquitoes. Soon, though, I realized something more was wrong. I went to a dermatologist here in NYC. He diagnosed me with scabies. He then prescribed a cream to stop the intense itching (which became unbearable at night) and another cream to kill the scabies. It didn't end there though. I had to bag all of my sheets and towels so that the scabies would die. Then I had to dry clean all of my suits and dress shirts all at once. That was very expensive. Now here is the worse part, once I finally got rid of the scabies, lots of dark mark were left all over my body. I tried fade creams and lotions and nothing would work. Even though the scabies left after about a month and a half. The marks on my legs and stomach took almost a year to fade.

I always use condoms. Always! I never kiss, nor do I give or receive head. There is hardly anyway however to protect oneself from scabies. A condom doesn't help. The only advice I can give is to say that if what you think are mesquito bites last for more than a day or two, go to the doctor immediately. Hope this helps somebody.

Anonymous said...

Scabies i.e crabs, is not a sexually transmitted disease, it is all about hygiene. You can get them as Anthony said from sheets, a toilet seat towels ect. a simple over the counter remedy does the trick. Sometimes a person will have to shave as i did if you are very hairy. so if someone has recently shaved their self, i would ask if it was done for vanity or not. Sand fleas are worse but thats another story[smile]

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but scabies and crabs (body lice) are not the same. Scabies burrow in under your skin and can cause red bumps and severe itching. Body lice are just superficial parasites that do itch and bother but can be eliminated much more easily. I've had both in my lifetime and my dermatologist has taught me to distinguish one from the other. One does try to steer clear of these pests, but first one would have to go over every sex partner with a fine-toothed comb!

Anonymous said...

Please, please move that gorgeous specimen of manhood to the front of the models' line for DIH2. Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I agree, He should be a definite model and not a possible one. He is quite a handsome man. Thanks for sharing him with us Ant. I hope to meet him or one just like him (smile) when I arrive. :)

Anonymous said...

Scabies Treatement Information

Anonymous said...

About 12 - 15 years ago, I got scabies while living in San Francisco. I told my doctor I had no idea where they came from. He asked if I was an opera fan, and I told him I had season tickets to the San Francisco Opera.

Turns out I was one of quite a few Opera patrons who got scabies from the old seats in the War Memorial Opera House. The scabies story hit the newspapers, which made the point that many of the City's old-guard elite had been infected. The Opera quickly added re-upholstering all the seats as part of their earthquake restoration project.

If I recall correctly, I had to coat myself from head to toe with a lotion, in addition to thoroughly laundering all my clothes, sheets, etc. A definitely unpleasant experience, but nothing to be ashamed of.

Nena Nuyorican said...

Are they any hotels, guest houses etc in Sto Domingo that anyone cares to "share" where they feel they caught the "scabies"? Just interested in the side of caution.

Nena Nuyorican said...

Congrats Anthony on joining the Sports Bar. You will be a definite ASSET. Can't wait to return and enjoy the papis, my selected friends, and the Sun/beach~~
Miss Baby (as you affectionately called me);-)

Anonymous said...

Hello i suddenly have a craving for come barcelo rum and chocolate!